We understand it can be intimidating to walk into a new place you've never been to before. We hope this information will help you feel a bit more comfortable and we invite you to join us for worship.
What are the worship services like?
At St. John's, we offer three unique worship opportunities.
Spencer’s 9am service follows a setting of the Lutheran liturgy accompanied by the organ along with traditional hymns and contemporary video songs. Communion is served weekly.
Riplinger’s 11am service follows a setting of the Lutheran liturgy accompanied by the organ along with traditional hymns. Communion is served monthly on the second Sunday.
Spencer’s 6:30pm service offers contemporary video music with a Bible teaching instead of a sermon. Communion is served weekly.
We are all family-oriented congregations and love to see your children worship with us!
What should I wear?
Come as you are. Some people come dressed in jeans while others come dressed in business casual. If you prefer to wear a tie or a dress, that's fine too. Just come. We want you to feel comfortable while we worship together.
What about my children?
At St. John's, children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship. We like to see and hear children in worship.  But we also know that children, at times, need a break so we do have a separate room if your child is having a rough day. This room allows you to still be a part of worship. It is equipped with a speaker and a window, so you can hear and observe worship.
Giving an offering is part of our worship and shows gratitude for all that God has done for us. Financial offerings support God's mission in and through the church. If you give or what you give is up to you.
Some people bring their own Bibles and like to take notes. But don't worry if you don't have a Bible or forget to bring it, we have them in the pews, use ours. If you need a Bible, let the office know.
We celebrate Holy Communion weekly at Spencer and monthly on the second Sunday at Riplinger. Everyone is welcome at our table. Gluten-free wafers and white grape juice are provided for those who need these alternatives. If you don't feel ready to commune, no worries. Just know that you are invited!